Ep. 250 – The Heart of Markness Led Zeppelin Podcast
This is the first of three legendary nights at the Boston Tea Party on Led Zeppelin’s very first tour of the states. January 23, 1969 is what we’re hearing. Wild, Chaotic, almost feral is how hungry young Led Zeppelin sound. Another way to describe it is ‘Holy Shit!’
I play Train Kept A’Rollin’ (from the Yardbird days), As Long as I Have (w/ Fresh Garbage & Bag’s Groove), and an embryonic Dazed and Confused. Incredible improvisation and musicianship are evident from the start.
You download this entire recording right here, courtesy of my Patrons: Enjoy! https://mega.nz/folder/etFFAaBR#2FysnfnmWdB40moIKSp_dQ