Ep. 299 – The Heart of Markness Led Zeppelin Podcast
On August 19, 1971 Led Zeppelin began their North American tour in Vancouver, BC and we have the pleasure of hearing peak Zep, thanks to an intrepid taper. Last time I touched upon this show we featured the first few songs; this time we’re back for more. I play a scorching Black Dog (sung like the record), a powerful (better than the European ones, imo) Gallows Pole (on the doubleneck 12 string), and a raucous and frenzied cover of Eddie Cochran’s Weekend. Each performance is pure fire, as is the rest of the show. Truly awesome.
You can download this show, courtesy of my Patrons, right here: https://mega.nz/folder/rt9GlbBB#7C1T7-AGVsyJeeCgZd8evQ