9 comments on “Podcast Episode 1 – Led Zeppelin Copenhagen 1979

  1. Excellent Podcast! Love the breakdown of the songs. I did have a question. You mentioned Geddy Lee from Rush using foot pedals. I know in the 70-80’s era he use the Taurus Bass Pedals. Do you happen to know the kind used by Led Zeppelin? Thanks much!

  2. Hi Mark. Nice job. I do the Led Zeppelin podcast Ramble On Radio and just wanted to stop by and say I enjoyed it.

    Don’t worry about the first show issues, it takes some time. My first show was, I think, awful, and it took five or six to really find my footing and stop saying things like “and that’s all I have to say about that,” which is something I never say in real life.

    I’d love to chat with you privately. email me if you want, or if you have any questions regarding the technical challenges of podcasting, most of which I still haven’t solved after 130 episodes.

    • Thanks, Brian! I apologize for the late reply. Your message was flagged as spam, and I just noticed it now in the spam folder. Thank you very much for the kind words, and for the encouragement. I will absolutely get in touch. Your podcast is brilliant!

  3. The 24th is such an anomaly: Page rediscovers his 1973 fluency and is the master of old for one last night.
    The band are also tight and Plant is singing great.
    Unfortunately Page was all over the place at Knebworth and by the Tour of Europe, he and Bonzo were both up and down.
    I imagine there’s a good chance the band recorded a soundboard of these warm ups, so they could check out how stuff sounded before Knebworth.
    A matrix of the soundboard, if it exists, and the audience recording would be one of the Zep holy grails.

    • Thanks, Strider! Yes, I would love a soundboard, or (even more unlikely but still plausible) a video. They were testing out some of the equipment they would use at Knebworth… wouldn’t it be lovely if they had a stationary cam recording video? That is surely too much to ask, but a soundboard would be sweet! Thanks for the comment and I hope you keep listening.

    • Wow, that’s amazing! Do you still have that film? This show is a holy grail for me. Also, I apologize for the late reply. I found your comment buried among spam posts. 🙂

  4. Pingback: “I showed it to guitarists who went nuts. And that was the silent version." Lost footage of Led Zeppelin playing Denmark in 1979 has surfaced and been restored with original audio - BackingTracks

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