Rick and Morty Season 3

What are you in for? Everything.
Early Animation From Comic Con 2016
I am one of the zillions of people who love Rick And Morty. In my opinion this show is as revolutionary and next level, as the Simpsons was back in 1987. It’s so brilliant, poignant, brutal, and FUNNY, that it became insanely popular almost instantly.
The entire universe awaits Season 3, which is set to premiere around the end of the year (hooray). Production has progressed to the animated sketch stage (I’m sure there’s a term for this level of animation.), which is what we were shown at Comic Con. It shows Rick being Rick.
He apparently has to ‘evolve’ back into a human body, climbing the hierarchy from bug, to rat, to …. what next? Something horrific no doubt.
Totally Improvised Rick and Morty Mini Story
The universe sees that we hunger and lust for Rick and Morty season 3, and she bestows upon us this off the cuff, improvised live episode like manna from heaven.
I don’t know the context of this little slice of fried gold, but it seems like the cast and writers just threw it together. It feels live not contrived.
One thing I love is watching Justin Roiland voice both Rick and Morty in real time. The guy is talented. Dan Harmon is like the Dungeon Master, as he throws out information and scenarios for the cast to respond to.
The Summer of Summer
Guess what? Summer goes to Harvard, Morty amputates his legs and has jets on his stumps (poop is involved), and Summer shoots John Lennon. Yeah. Wubba lubba dub dub, indeed. It’s pretty funny, and I actually prefer this to the pencil sketch preview of Rick the Roach.
Both videos do succeed in making me hanker for Rick and Morty Season 3 all the more hungrily.